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Even before China's ruling party announced its “Go Out” policy in 1999 to encourage Chinese businesses to invest overseas, Chinese entrepreneurs were doing just that. Through this approach, WFP will address the immediate and underlying causes of vulnerability while facilitating the development of national capacities in order to ensure sustainability, national ownership and a progressive handover of interventions to the Government. Through the country strategic plan, WFP will also contribute significantly to the interventions and planned results of the United Nations development assistance framework for 2020–2024, which identifies Sustainable Development Goals 2 on zero hunger and 17 on partnerships as foundational drivers of long-term, sustainable development in the Congo. Under strategic outcome 4, WFP will provide logistics services to the humanitarian and development community. Countries: Congo | Lista de Clasificación Mundial de la FIFA. It provides an integrated framework of macroeconomic and sectoral strategies that Congo intends to combine to diversify and accelerate growth, create jobs, and develop the social sector in line with (i) the Millennium Development Goals (MDG); (ii) Congo’s dreams of emergence, and (iii) the aspirations of the Congolese people. The Growth, Employment, and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2012-2016 DSCERP) is one of the key components of the NDP. 25,5, Extranjeros: Each working group is made up of individual experts from the GGKP partner organizations, the GGKP Advisory Committee, and outside experts. Food insecurity in the country stems from limited agricultural productivity, widespread vulnerability, recurrent social and political conflict and gender inequalities. Trade, Biodiversity & Natural Resources: What Role for Trade Policy in a New Deal for Nature? Green Growth Expert Connect provides policymakers direct access to world-leading technical and policy experts for quick and tailored guidance on a range of green growth topics. © 2012-2020 Green Growth Knowledge Platform. Informed by the 2018 national zero hunger strategic review, the mid-term evaluation of the WFP country programme for 2015–2018 and lessons learned, WFP will adopt a holistic, nationally driven, shock-responsive and long-term strategy in the Congo that prioritizes work at the humanitarian–development–peace nexus. Congo's National Development Plan (NDP) is a common roadmap for moving Congo forward and to integrate multilayer and multisectoral strategic planning framework that gives life to the President's vision, embodied in the "Future Path". The Batumi Initiative on Green Economy (BIG-E) is a set of voluntary commitments by more than 30 European countries and organisations. Operations type: Country Strategic Plan (CSP). UNEA-4: Responsible Resource Governance and Infrastructure, A Prerequisite for a Sustainable Future, DFTF Report Launch: Digital finance, a lifeline during COVID-19 crisis, can deliver long-term financing of the Sustainable Development Goals, Vacancy at GGGI: Internship: GGKP Annual Conference 2019 Renewable Energy Research Program, Vacancy at GGGI: Internship for Partnerships, Vacancy at GGGI: Global - Green Finance Platform Consultant, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Democratic Republic of the Congo 2008 Humanitarian Action Plan; Democratic Republic of the Congo 2007 Humanitarian Action Plan; Democratic Republic of the Congo Action Plan 2006; Democratic Republic of the Congo 2005; Democratic Republic of the Congo 2004; Democratic Republic of the Congo 2003; Democratic Republic of the Congo 2002 Help us build a green learning community! To address the main findings from the 2018 zero hunger strategic review, and in accordance with national and United Nations priorities for the Congo, the country strategic plan is structured around four mutually reinforcing strategic outcomes: This country strategic plan is aligned with WFP corporate Strategic Results 1, 3 and 8 and will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17 and to other Sustainable Development Goals related to health, education, gender equality, climate change and sustainability. Contacts Contacts. Trailers, vídeos, fotos, sinópsis, críticas de cine... Toda la información y mucho más en It is a new-generation PRSP, expanded into a five-year plan. 21, Edad media: GGKP organizes its research programme around expert working groups. Jugadores en la plantilla: Donate Now. The 15th Sustainability Summit: Action Agenda for the Next Decade, 2020 Green Growth and Sustainable Development (GGSD) Forum, International Conference on the Green New Deal: Green stimulus in the post-COVID-19 era and beyond, Ecological Economics for a Sustainable Future, Green Industrial Policy: Promoting Competitiveness and Structural Transformation, WRI Webinar - Beyond GDP: National Accounting for the Ocean and Ocean Economy, Nature Insight: Speed Dating with the Future, GRID Video - Illegal sand mining and sand mafia in India (Part II), GRID Video - Illegal sand mining and sand mafia in India (Part I), Public procurers in the driving seat to a circular economy. The main purpose of the NDP is to translate the vision and program of the “Future Path” into a medium-term strategic framework for the 2012-2016 period, coupled with action programs, consistent fiscal objectives, strategic priorities, and an improved mechanism for taking action, monitoring outcomes, and assessing the impact on development. Under strategic outcome 1, WFP will use its crisis response capacities in assisting shock-affected populations, including refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees. The Congo is a resource-rich, food-deficit, middle-income country categorized as having "serious" hunger challenges in the 2017 Global Hunger Index. The Government’s main development priorities are articulated in the national development plan for 2018–2022, which incorporates plans for achieving all the Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing education, economic diversification through agriculture and the opportunities offered by digital transformation enabling the use of innovations. 14 66,7 %, Confederación: In line with the New Way of Working,1 WFP will build on enhanced strategic and operational partnerships for greater impact. Through the country strategic plan, WFP will also contribute significantly to the interventions and planned results of the United Nations development assistance framework for 2020–2024, which identifies Sustainable Development Goals 2 on zero hunger and 17 on partnerships as foundational drivers of long-term, sustainable development in the Congo. novembre 2, 2019 novembre 2, 2019 gabas1090 gabas1090 Aucun commentaire. Diversification and Cooperation in a Decarbonizing World: Climate strategies for fossil fuel-dependent countries, The World Bank Course - Circular Economy and Private Sector Development: Learning Series, Resilience and the Circular Economy: Opportunities and risks, Integrated Green Economy Modelling Framework, Recover Green: Higher NDC ambition through collaborative climate action, ImpactAr Tool - Valuing Air Quality Health Impacts of Urban Bus Fleet Changes in Brazil, A Guide to Conducting and Analyzing a Food Waste Assessment, City-Business Climate Alliances: A Step-by-step guide for developing successful collaboration, Surabaya: The Legacy of Participatory Upgrading of Informal Settlements, Use of Near-Real-Time Deforestation Alerts: A Case Study from Peru, Case Study of An Energy Project in Health Facilities in Kenya: How to Implement Demand-Based Approaches, Climate Action Planning: Developing a Provincial Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Emissions Scenarios Modeling, Jordan Green Growth National Action Plans 2021-2025: Agriculture sector, Jordan Green Growth National Action Plans 2021-2025: Water sector, Jordan Green Growth National Action Plans 2021-2025: Waste sector, Jordan Green Growth National Action Plans 2021-2025: Transport sector, UNEA-4 Mineral Resource Governance Resolution, Green Growth Best Practice Initiative (GGBP), GGKP Webinar - Measuring Nature’s Contribution: How natural capital will transform the economic recovery, The World Bank Group Webinar - Circular Economy and Competitiveness, FAO Webinar - Green Cities to Build Back Better for SDGs: A new powerful venture, Linking SDGs and Green Inclusive Recovery post COVID-19 : measuring progress for better implementation, It’s Time to Invest in Nature-Based Solutions to Solve the Biodiversity and Climate Crises, Why Wetlands Can (and Should) Boost Your NDC, Euro-Mediterranean resource efficiency for the EU Green Deal. French Infographic on Democratic Republic of the Congo about Contributions, Coordination, Aged Persons ... République Démocratique du Congo : Plan de Réponse Humanitaire 2020 en chiffres Source. Descubre todo sobre la película Congo. Under strategic outcome 2, WFP will complement and support national efforts to address vulnerabilities and ensure the delivery of effective social protection interventions. Building on its recognized comparative advantages in school feeding, food supply chains, emergency response and safety net systems, WFP is uniquely placed to contribute to the Government’s national development priorities. Via C. G. Viola 68 Parco dei Medici - 00148 Rome, Italy, UN agencies and international institutions, Clusters and multistakeholder partnerships, Performance management and accountability, Democratic Republic of the Congo emergency. Green growth is the pursuit of economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner. Use the GGKP data visualization tool to explore historical data trends across countries and indicators. Para utilizar esta página, por favor active su Javascript. Explore how green growth can transform the world. Esta página ofrece un repaso completo a todos los partidos ya jugados y finalizados en la temporada, así como el balance de la selección nacional Congo durante la temporada Estadística completa de la temporada actual. 2020 © World Food Programme Congo's National Development Plan (NDP) is a common roadmap for moving Congo forward and to integrate multilayer and multisectoral strategic planning framework that gives life to the President's vision, embodied in the "Future Path". It also includes the forward-looking document “Congo Vision 2025”. 90. Under strategic outcome 3, WFP will strengthen resilience at the national and community levels through the facilitation of market access and climate change adaptation. China's Congo Plan: What the Next World Power Sees in the World's Poorest Nation. Institutional capacity strengthening efforts will emphasize the value of using digital information and management systems in all activities. Explore these leading collaborative initiatives to advance an inclusive green economy transition. Puesto. Gender-transformative and nutrition-sensitive programming will be mainstreamed in all activities. CAF, Lista de Clasificación Mundial de la FIFA: These leading partner organizations have committed to working towards a sustainable future by collaborating in the generation, management and sharing of knowledge. Congo Plan est une association internationale sans but lucratif de droit belge, ayant son siège social à Bruxelles en Belgique {...} READ MORE READ MORE. To that end, as shown in Figure 1, the NDP includes the Growth, Employment, and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (DSCERP), the programming and budgeting documents (PAP-MTEF), and the document for monitoring and assessing the country’s development strategy. The content on this site does not necessarily represent the views of the individual partners. Its primary objective is to expedite the modernization of society and industrialization of Congo, with a view to creating greater prosperity and thus set the stage for Congo's emergence in the global economy. Operations ID: CG01 | Apply United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland filter, Apply Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH filter, Apply Global Environment Facility (GEF) filter, Apply Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) filter, Apply Korea Environment Institute (KEI) filter, Apply Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) filter, Apply United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) filter, Apply United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) filter, Apply Sustainable Development Plan filter. The GGKP Project Database allows you to browse on-the-ground initiatives to promote green growth, being led by our partners and other leading organisations.