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There is no cost to attend this breakfast, walk-ins are welcome, RSVP is encouraged: Sign up here. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) Sponsor. She has served as the secretary of the IEEEXtreme 13.0 and MORAXtreme 4.0 Awards Ceremony, as a graphic designer for the WiE Affinity Group and a volunteer in the IEEE Open Day 2020, as a company coordinator for the Stud Pro 3.0 Career Fair and as a volunteer in the IEEE New Year Celebration and Zero Hunger Day in 2020. Katherine Kim National Taiwan University. He … He is a senior member of the IEEE and is selected to serve as IEEE PELS Distinguished Lecturer for 2021-2022. Awards. He is the winner of the 2020 IEEE Power Electronics Emerging Technology Award. The meeting started off with the presidential address delivered by DDr. ... VP of PELS Conferences. Chapter Kerala. IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Robotics and Automation Society IEEE RAS Members. Apart from volunteering in IEEE, Urvashi has several achievements in academics. Chapter Kerala. 55. In Tulane and in John Deere, Dr. Singh has won numerous awards. 75. WiE Steering Committee. Women in Engineering IEEE WiE Members. The scope of TC7 is focused on the development and implementation of international conferences and other activities (such as workshops, publications, webinars, standards, etc.) Chapter Kerala con-ducted an Excom meeting through Google meet on 30th March, 2020 at 7pm. This chapter holds at least two meetings per year in conjunction with Rock River Valley Section. IEEE WIE is one of the world’s leaders in changing the face of engineering. Pdh hours are awarded at all of our meetings. For over 20 years, PELS has facilitated and guided the development and innovation in power electronics technology. Printed in the U.S.A. News items should be sent to: Gene Wester, Editor, PELS Newsletter, Jet Propulsion Labo-ratory, M/S 303-300, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 USA; TEL: +1-818-354-3489; FAX: +1-818-393-4272; e-mail: Bijuna K, Chair , IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. This Chapter serves members of PELS Society in Rock River Valley Section. as required to treat all matters in which the dominant factors are the research, sustainability, fundamental development, design, application and management of critical power, energy storage, and related systems. She has attended AICSSYC 2019 and AISYWLC 2020. Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology IEEE SIGHT Members. PELS-IAS Women in Engineering Breakfast – Wednesday. Bronze category in Darrel Chong Student Activity Award 2020. IEEE WIE NSUT Chapter is a relatively new yet very active WIE chapter.The core team of NSUT IEEE WIE consists of both females and male IEEE members and all the members take genuine interest in working for and developing the section.The name may mislead, but WIE is open to male members as well. The IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) is one of the fastest growing technical societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE PELS Members. 5. The convenor of the meeting was Prof. Biju K, Vice Chair, IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chair: Satarupa Bal CE+T Power. Currently, she is IEEE Brand Ambassador, Vice-Chairperson at IEEE NU SB, Graphic Designer at YESIST’12 (Special Track), PELS SYPS, WePOWER Sub-committee Member, PROCOMM Section Ambassador. Date and Time: Wednesday, October 2 at 8:00am-9:00am Location: Room 325 Join us for the WIE Breakfast, where our speakers are prominent women in power electronics and engineering. Resources. Dr. Muhammed Kasim, Our global network connects nearly 20,000 members in over 100 countries to advance women … the IEEE Power Electronics Society. For IEEE PELS, she served as the Student Membership Chair in 2013-2014, PELS Member-At-Large for 2016-2018, PELS Women in Engineering Chair in 2018-2020, and currently is the PELS … IEEE RRVS PELS Chapter was established on 1996.